Tuesday, March 25, 2014

It's their 'Cup of T.E.A.'...

Our Public School System is under attack from Right-Wing Republicans and T.E.A. Party Activists and they won't be happy until there are only Charter and Private Schools for youngsters to attend.
That will, ultimately, mean only the rich will be able to afford an education for their youngsters.  And, they will be able to teach whatever suits their fancy and ignore whatever they think is unnecessary for young minds to learn. 
We all can guess how that will turn out.  We will have a generation of well-dressed kids with no science acumen, but a heavy dose of "what's-good-for-them."
It's hard to believe these people have given much long-range thinking to this curriculum. In today's Public Schools, Americans have been educated in a broad range of courses, and there have been new and necessary ones added along the way. It is a continual struggle to balance the courses that students from kindergarten through twelfth grade will need for a well-rounded base of education that will prepare them for the rest of their lives.
America, for years, has done an excellent job of doing just that.  However, there are those who have decided that we need to spend our educational tax money in other ways. Their cup of "tea" is more Charter and Private Schools by syphoning off students from Public Schools until they no longer exist.
It is good to examine where we can make cuts in our educational budgets without hurting the core purpose, as well as where we can increase spending...like teacher's salaries, for example. We demand so much from them, while we pay so little.  We should be embarrassed to death about that!
There truly are two Americas, and the TEA Party and Far-Right folks have been guzzling the Republican Kool-Aid (or TEA, as it were) for far too long. As you well know, they are not very good at getting involved in your school activities, but they are very good at throwing rocks at your endeavors.
These kids are the responsibility of all of us. They are our country's future.  Get involved and decide how much their education is worth to you.

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