Do we really need two Political Parties?

I would imagine there are many conversations taking place over cups of coffee these days regarding the deplorable political gridlock that is taking place.
Of course, our guys are doing the right thing.  It's your guys that are causing the problems. 
If we stop and think for a minute, that simple two-sentence statement is at the root of the entire mess.  Someone could commit murder in the U.S. House of Representatives, in full view of everyone, and there would be a Party Line Vote on guilt or innocence.
It brings to mind the question of "who is really to blame?"  Is it really our politicians?  Or, is it us? We put them into office and we support them regardless of how they perform, as long as they are of our political persuasion. 
It may not be that hostile in our Montana Legislature yet, but it's getting there. As a matter of fact, there was nearly that much violence displayed under one banner, (which was once considered strictly taboo to speak ill of a fellow Republican or Democrat) which only proves that we can now fine tune the art of turning on our fellow man within our own political party.
It would seem obvious to most that if this gridlock continues, the only realistic conclusion would be the annihilation of both political parties. Perhaps we are all still too arrogant to accept the fact that we could not possibly be to blame. There is also another thought:  Just maybe the Independents have stumbled onto the real secret to peace, harmony, and successful governing.
One thing is for sure, however.  We cannot continue down this path and hope for a different - and better - conclusion at the end of our travel.  Our government - and our political parties - cannot continue with the pressure that is building within so many!
And if you're looking to me for answers, I've always been in favor of changing our two-party system... on Friday Night and one on Saturday Night.


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