Oil, Water, and Paddlefish...

Once upon a time, down in the Yellowstone River swam a happy  Paddlefish named Zelda .  She knew her day would come when she'd be hooked and dragged ashore, rolled over on her tummy, and have some brute squeeze the livin' caviar out of her.
But fate had a more dastardly plot in mind for poor Zelda. She was about to become a victim of the nemeses of the deep, the every-popular, safe and secure Big Oil Pipeline.
According to Big Oil Companies, you can put oil leaks into your supply of drinking water out of your mind.  They just don't happen.  But when they do, the company will tell you about it two or three days after it happens and they'll fudge on just how much of the stuff really slipped into the river.
By now, poor Zelda is getting a little steamed at the sticky black stuff hanging on her like Velcro. And, it probably won't do much good for her caviar, either.  Darn.  She was looking forward to a little squeeze from a handsome fisherman, too.
Man, I hope they build that Keystone Pipeline...don't you?


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