Monday, April 27, 2015

Others may see it differently...

This is the way a cartoonist I happen to know sees himself.

Sometimes we see what we want to see.

The TEA Party members of the Montana Legislature are bemoaning the unsuccessful battles they have waged this session.  They blame the failures on "Regular Republicans" who voted with the Democrats.

Rep. Art Wittich (R-Bozeman...yeah, another one of those) blubbers that his crowd has lost virtually everything they went to Helena to accomplish.  Those failures included opposition to the Flathead water compact, Medicaid expansion, and dark money reform...major legislation items that passed the session. The Senate's confirmation of Jonathan Motl as Commissioner of Political Practices was the crowning blow to Wittich & Company's failures as extremist Legislators.

The TEA Baggers only saw their failures as mistakes by others.  They tried to save the world, but were thwarted by those dastardly Democrats in Republican clothing.  Wittich & Company will tell us they were working for all Montanans.  At least, that's the way they saw it. 

Fortunately, that's not the way it was, however.  The bills they so viciously fought against happened to be the bills the majority of Montanans wanted passed. 

If they would sit down and honestly dissect their motives, they would learn a valuable lesson about blame:  When you point a finger at someone, look down at your hand.  You will see three fingers pointing back at you.

As the session winds down, it appears Montanans were, indeed, represented by cooler heads after all. 

Maybe this session will spell an end to those radical activists, and Montana will get back to honest differences between Conservatives and Liberals.

This might even be the time for voters to pay a little  closer attention to who they send to Helena, too.  Hmmmm?


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