Proposed Bills From the Twilight Zone...

The bills illustrated above are but a few of the proposals that are still bouncing off the walls of the Capitol Building in Helena.  Other well-thought-out proposals from their pointed little heads included: No yoga pants in public; Allow guns in schools; Lift nuclear ban so the Flathead Valley could build a nuclear reactor; Eliminate all state incentives for wind power development; Give Sheriffs authority over Federal Government in terror investigations; Require the Federal Government to prove in court that the National Parks were lawfully acquired; ...and my personal favorite: Officially designate the "Code of the West" as the "Code of Montana."

Laughter will be heard until the last drink is poured and the last Far-Right Conservative buffoon picks up his cherished "Fifteen Minutes of Shame" Award and goes home.
Such is life for those who came to Montana's Legislative fiasco with nothing but a desire to disrupt and demean our state's system of government.  They shall be known by their misguided acts of self-importance and efforts to stir the pot of political upheaval.

TEA Party members are a rare phenomenon in today's political arena and hopefully will disappear as quickly as they came.  They serve no useful purpose when their only desire, seemingly, has been to show how much they dislike our government.

Spending precious legislative time by fighting for a bill that would allow hunters to use hand-thrown spears was not the best use of their time?

Let's hope they've had their fun and stay home in their own sand box next legislative session.



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