Maybe it's "sine die" for the TEA Party, too!

And just like that, the 64th Montana Legislative Session was over.

The Conservative Republicans (Wittich & Co. of TEA Party fame) voted to end their political charade a few minutes after the Montana House was called to order Tuesday Morning.  Left lying dead on the floor was the Infrastructure Bill that was so sorely needed by many locations in Montana.

It was their way of thumbing their noses at those they termed as traitorous Republicans.  The major bills they wanted to kill were all passed with the help of several Republicans voting with the Democrats.

With the Infrastructure bill the only major bill left to attack, they each pounced on it with all four feet by turning tails, without a vote, and limping home with one miserable win to their credit.

It was a rather unceremonious ending to their already childish actions in the Montana House.

The scene may be reminiscent of a remark I once heard:  "As we walk out the door, you'll notice the twig of mistletoe at the bottom of our coattails."  Wittich & Co. are a charming group of self-serving, anti-Montana miscreants.

The really sad thing about all of this is it was evident that these Tea Party folks were only interested in a win for themselves...not Montanans!  Strangely, they don't seem to understand the kind of people they'll need to face when they return home.   That Infrastructure Bill would have added many jobs!

Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Maybe more than one-third of the registered Montanans can get up the gumption to go to the ballot boxes next time and have a win for themselves.


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