An Incubator full of Bad Eggs...

The Bozos of BoZone, Montana (that's the city of Bozeman for the politically uninformed) are running amok in our state's political legislative theatre, and it's time we straighten them out.
The otherwise beautiful setting of one of my favorite cities is being used as an incubator for eggheads of the Tea Party.  They have hatched from a nest of bad eggs and are chirping at the top of their lungs in order to gain some attention. 
It possibly started with a billionaire named Greg Gianforte, who was instrumental in getting a millionaire named Daines elected to the U.S. Senate, and Greg's wife, Susan Gianforte, who is working hard to replace public schools with charter and private ones.  And, if that isn't enough to smell up the chicken coop, there are even more Bozos of the BoZone  making their political presence known.  Names you've come to know (and try to forget) such as Art Wittich and Scott Sales.

Montana's Tea Party is troublesome because they are against just about anything you can name that would be beneficial to the Middle and Lower Class Americans.  Human Rights, Women's Rights, Minority's Rights...things they simply can't be bothered with right now.  Interestingly, they are even against their brothers and sisters of the "regular" Republican party, too. 

What they are for is lower taxes on the rich;  more guns (concealed is good) in bars, banks, churches, and the Capitol Building;  sell-off or our public lands (state and national parks) to private ownership;  declaration by the legislature that global warming is good;  and a host of other equally insane ideas.

This fiasco is rooted in the hands of the Bozos in Bozeman and the Bozemanites who sent them to Helena.

Maybe by next election they'll examine their eggs before they hatch!


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