Political Blogging: Spitting into the Wind...

When people ask me what I do to keep busy in retirement, I tell them I write a couple of political blogs and draw cartoons to, hopefully, dress them up a little.

I usually get the glazed-over eyes and quiet stare, and then the inevitable question: "Why?"

That's a fair question.

Too many people in America are sick and tired of politics and try to shove it out of sight, sound and mind.  By the way, how's that working for you?  Does ignoring it make it go away?

Did we ignore the news after hearing about Hitler's rise to power?  Did we clasp our hands over our ears when the Japanese Empire attacked Pear Harbor?

So why do we turn in disgust and close our ears and minds while the rich and powerful shred the workings of our own country?  Why do we shout down anyone who tries to inform their fellow - and greatly uninformed - citizens that America is coming apart at the seams?  Why do we categorize all of them as political hot heads who deserve none of our time and attention?

When future patriots of a new land decided to leave jolly ol' England, would we have squelched the idea as just another horde of wacky nut jobs that we were sick and tired of hearing?

Today, too many of our citizens have hid their heads in the sand and convinced themselves that all will be just dandy as long as no one asks anything of them, or reminds them that their country is in grave danger and in serious need of their help.

Of course, when things really do come unglued, they can always blame it on those other people.  You know, the ones who have been screaming for your help to fix the problems and you didn't hear them because you didn't like all of that political jibber-jabber.

Think about it. 


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