Wednesday, April 10, 2024

It's immoral to even let him run for office. . .

He is a legend in his own mind

He has promised to call out his Flying Monkeys to wreak hell and damnation on the "enemies of the people." They will be driven from the face of the earth. Who are they?  The news media. Are there others?  Anyone who won't stand with him. 

Once again, Trump is ratcheting up his use of the derisive label to attack the news media. Trump tweeted, "The press is doing everything within their power to fight the magnificence of the phrase, "Make America Great Again."

"They can't stand the fact that this Administration  has done more than virtually any other Administration in its first two years," he continued, "They are truly the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!"

"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." Orwell "1984"

Donald Trump is up to his old, untruthful campaign slogans once again. His attack on America's news media is meant to make the voters look away from that which is right in front of them and only believe what he will tell them. It was  a tactic used by Hitler, Mussolini, and all other dictators of the world. To form your own authoritarian rule, you must -first and foremost - make the people look and listen to  "your own disingenuous  shinny object" and not what is really there. 

Will you bite on this Orwellian gimmick a second time?

Fool me once - Shame on you
Fool me twice - Shame on me

America will bust apart at the seams if this lunatic is allowed to put our nation in  jeopardy again!

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