Friday, June 28, 2024

The Trees Kept Voting for the Axe. . .

Opinion by
John Watson

"The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe, for  the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them."  
- A Turkish Proverb


This proverb reflects the idea that the perpetrator of harm may forget their actions, but the victim will always remember. 

Whatever your political leaning, I have found this proverb interesting. For me, it has always found its way into different aspects of  political thoughts and discussions.

During this particularly stressful election where our very basic needs are being challenged, The perpetrator has quite easily convinced a large group his base of accepting him because he will get them everything their hearts desire if they will but elect him. It has nothing to do with what he can do for them - it has only to do what they will do for him!

He wants what he wants and he asks them to supply the votes. What they will get in return is neither inferred nor promised.

After all, he insists he wants what they want. . . and they will all be successful together.  It is a winning  - al Beit diabolical - plan. And, it is a craven plan that lacks the courage for "the axe" to reveal the truth!

To gain the world through lies and deceit in order to satisfy one's own thirst will - in the end - spell total defeat for the perpetrator.

And the forest will grow back once more.


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