A Day for a little Levity. . .

Confession of a 
 Social Climber

Before I cash in my chips and curl up my toes, I need to confess to a terrible crime. For more than 86 years I have been a terrible liar about an important moment in of my life.

As everyone who knows me is aware, I have always said my home town was Fort Benton. But, I hope everyone will find a way to forgive me for that terrible fib. I admit I was a social climber from birth. I wanted the world to know I was from a large city. When I was born, my parents and and older brother lived in the beautiful town of Virgelle, Montana. We also had a farm across the river from Virgelle and south about five miles on top of the river breaks. We lived there for about three years and then moved back to the farm. So, realistically, my home town is Virgelle. My family lived there before we lived in Fort Benton. 

When I started school, we moved into a home in that beautiful, big, bustling metropolis of Fort Benton, where I was educated. I was so happy and just knew I would become a big shot of some sort! 

I have called Fort Benton my "home town" ever since school because I didn't think I would amount to anything if people knew I was from a town of eight people, two dogs, one cat, mom, dad, brother Ken and Gordon...and me.

My heart has always been with Virgelle. That hamlet of Fort Benton, about 36 miles to the southwest never had a chance at claiming me as their native son.  Virgelle had it all!

So scratch my name off all of the signs in "Fort whatever-you-call-it" and take down all the statues of me in the park and on main street. I am finally declaring the truth. . . 

"Ich bin ein Virgelleian!"

Okay, eighty-six is enough, toes are curling. . . 


  1. John I never told anyone that I was from a place smaller than Virgelle


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