But, But...I'm the boss here...

Strange things are done in the midnight sun
by the men who "dig for gold."
The Republican trails have their secret tales
that would make your blood run cold.
The northern lights have seen strange sights,
but the strangest they ever did see
was the night on the shore (according to lore)
they "roasted" ol' Ryan Zinke.
With apologies to Robert W. Service's poem:
"The cremation of Sam McGee"
(shamefully reworked by me)
   Ryan Zinke, Secretary of the Interior, has been up to his neck in trouble ever since his hero, the troublemaker-in-chief, President Trump hired him.
   To define his to-date brief moment is history, you could say it is chaotic, at best.  To put a finer point on it, however, would be to say it is bumbling, inept, and arrogance, at worst.
   There is only one Donald Trump - and one is quite enough.  But leave it to Zinke to try to master the ways of "The Donald," and most would say his report card indicates he is failing miserably.
   Nine of the twelve members of his National Parks Advisory Council at the Interior recently got up from their chairs and stomped out of the room.  Their beef?   The boss!  All nine pointed their fingers at Zinke as the reason for leaving. Arrogance and my-way-or-the-highway were high on the list of dislikes.
   But, let's face it...he's just one more Trump Nominee who can't properly handle the job.  The President has a track record of selecting Cabinet-level "no-nothings" and "do-nothings" to do his bidding, but they do know plenty about how to dismantle necessary regulations  and perform "corporate raids" on their assigned departments.
   Zinke is a blight on America's Interior Department, and an embarrassment to all of us in Montana who have to quietly admit "he is one of us,"  although there is a lot of talk about his  "legal residence" being in a city in California...even when he was a U.S. Representative from Montana.




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