Friday, May 25, 2018

This mess is getting worser and worser

Trump's criminally-supportive Congressional Republicans are also brain-dead delusional.

   The truth of the matter is, virtually every one of our government intelligence agencies concluded that Russia meddled with our 2016 presidential election, but our  president refuses to accept it.
   This fact alone has become the most cataclysmic event of our  nation's once proud and glorious history.
   But, as hard as that pill is to swallow, we are now confronted with an even larger and more ruinous pill of seismic portions!
   To explain:  I thought we had gained considerable knowledge from Nixon's Watergate that "the cover-up is always worse than the crime."  Evidently, that is not the case.  In fact, it appears we did not learn a damn thing about the crimes of politicians and their political cover-ups.
   The President and his White House Staff have loosed the hounds of hell and completely eclipsed the evil deeds of whatever Russia did to us.  They have shifted the "presidential lying machine" into high gear and are laying waste to everything once considered sacred to American Values.
   And that is what will really do us in as a respected member of the free world.  People around the globe are seeing giant cracks in our "beacon of freedom."  Our word is not nearly as good as it once was, our friends are not nearly as close as they once were, and our enemies are taking a closer look at our vulnerabilities.  In short, we are much less than we once were!
   This president has cast aside any concern he might have had for America and his only interest right now is to save his own butt!  He will not accept the truth and he will not accept the consequences of his irrational actions.
   This must all stop!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Who are Trump's Poll Monkeys?

Political Cartoon by Darko
The woods are frightening, dark and deep,
but he has many lies to keep,
and miles to go before we sleep,
and miles to go before we sleep.
    America finds herself in a deep, dark and scary wooded area, and it's about time she readjusts her actions on just what to do about this horror.  Continually tossing hand grenades at the president and his gang of deplorables seem to be getting us nowhere.  These "poll monkeys," who help the president's approval numbers reach 43%, must get our immediate attention.  Most would agree if we could remove his support system, he would give up because he operates on an ego that is juiced by his adoring fans.  And, he would be rendered impotent if he had no one to cheer at his never-ending, lie-infested, campaign-style tweets and rallies.  

   Think about it.  Roughly 43% of those who were polled think we are living in a land of sunshine,  free wine, and roses.  Do these people live underground and do nothing but contemplate the lint in their belly buttons?  We hear noise from them, such as,  "just try to impeach the president and we will begin Civil War II."  Or, maybe threats like, "We're armed and ready to fight!"

   This is the attitude that permeates the air these days.    These are the people you see at Trump rallies.  They are the folks that sit behind the president at his rallies, or those who roam the audience with conspicuous side arms, Confederate Flags, and displaying nauseating signs of what would happen if someone declared opposition to their "leader."  All of this should remind us of something that happened many years ago in Europe.  Those thugs thought their "might was right,"  too.)  

   This isn't America any more.  This is a nation that has stumbled and is having trouble getting back to its feet.  And, it is a nation that should have been able to rely on its congress to right the ship, but its congress is only interested in protecting their own butts - and butts of their all-important political party!

   Trump's poll monkeys are easy to spot:  They see no evil, hear no evil, and certainly will never speak of evil.  Watch for them the next time the president needs a big shot of "ain't I great" and stages another "love me" rally.

   Believe me, they will be easy to spot. 









Monday, May 14, 2018

Money, money, money...

cartoon by John Watson

   "I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay
Ain't it sad
And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me
That's too bad
In my dreams I have a plan
If I got me a wealthy man
I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball...
Money, money, money
always sunny
In the rich man's world"
(from ABBA lyrics of Money, Money, Money)
    I think about these words whenever I have trouble sleeping because of the turmoil President Trump and his "swamp full of deplorables" have created for America.  Consider this list - and it is far from complete - about the decisions they have made in the name of things they want us to believe will be good for America, but are really only good for themselves and Corporate America.
   Any list should begin with their elimination of regulations on companies that will allow them to make more money while making our fresh air more deadly, our drinking water more polluted, and our land more ravaged and left for taxpayers to clean up.  Of course, their promises of more jobs or pay raises is a pipe dream that has long ago been debunked.
   Let's not forget the huge $1.5 trillion tax cut gift to the Two-percenters in America, and a few crumbs left on the table for the other Ninety-Eight percenters.  Which group do you think the "swamp" was considering helping?
   In America, 1 out of 5 children go to bed hungry.  The "swamp" makes cuts in Food Stamps, Medicaid, and various other programs that used to help these kids.  Why?  To help the GOP pay for their welfare programs for the rich.
   We all know that money is the root of all evil, but it seems the "Trump swamp" has enlisted the Christian Right to forgive them of their sins. 
   You would be hard pressed to find an issue out of this "swamp" that does not monetarily benefit our richest.  The things that America most urgently needs, like our crumbling infrastructure - always finds its way to the bottom of their list.  Too expensive.  No money available.   But a $1.5 trillion tax cut for those that really don't need it...well the "swamp" knows right where to get that amount:  from programs for our most needy citizens! 
   Look around.  This is no Liberal rant.  This is the "swamp" speaking.  And the "swamp" is saying, "We have to fatten our money vaults while we're still in power.  And, for our fat friends, too!"
   All the things "we" could do
  If I had a little money
  It's a rich man's world.
Money, money, money
must be funny
In a rich man's world.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Prime Minister "Nut 'n Honey"

One Man's Opinion...

   Let's look at how "Nut 'n Honey" manhandled the President of the United States in 5 easy steps:

   (1)  He made trips to gin up hostility against Iran during a joint session of Congress and the President, and to get them to do what would be best for Israel.

   (2)  He made a speech (complete with 20' x 40' visuals and countless screaming headlines) about how Iran was cheating on the "deal" and ready to attack Israel.  No real proof, just "gut feelings and a box-full of hyperbole."

   (3)  He once again insisted that President Trump pull out of the "terrible, senseless deal."  (Trump's terminology is much more crude and inflammatory regarding "Obama's idiotic deal")

   (4)  Trump announces to America and the world that he is, indeed, pulling out of this "Iran Deal"...a deal that so far seems to be working, at least as far as what Iran had agreed to do.

   (5)  Moments after Trump's speech, "Nut 'n Honey" announced that Iran was "bringing their weapons to readiness" and Israel was going on full alert.

   This is how Israel is planning for Trump to initiate a war with Iran.  "Nut 'n Honey's" false information about Iran is eerily similar to how Americans were fed false information from George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to get us into a war with Iraq.

   If we allow this to happen to America again...shame on us!

  If Israel wants to fight Iran...Trump should say, "fine, "Nut 'n Honey," ...I'll hold your coat!


Saturday, May 5, 2018

Bozeman, MT: The Political Portal from Hell

John Watson
Retired Newspaper Publisher
   One man's opinion...
     Montanans...we've got trouble my friends, I say trouble! ... right here in the Bozone:  the beautiful, vibrant Bozeman, Montana.  And it starts with "R" and rhymes with "bizarre" and stands for "Republicans."
   First we had a "gazillionaire" named Steve Daines who entered the U.S. Senate through the "political portal from Hell" with the help of the Republican National Committee's digging into a meaningless error by his Democrat opponent, and then spending millions to force him to quit the race.  Daines continues to repay their generosity by proving to be a rubber stamp of the highest order on all bills spawned by a Republican.
   Then we had another multi-millionaire, Greg Gianforte, who crawled through the "political portal" and ended up in Bozeman.  On the eve of the election, he showed his political prowess as a Republican by beating a news reporter to the ground because he didn't like the question he was being asked.  He has become a rubber stamp for the Trump Republicans, as well.  His hatred for the media makes him a strong, loyal Trump-kind-of-guy.
   And now - drum roll, please - we find ourselves in the awful presence of Troy Downing:   Bozemanite, Bazillionaire, Bamboozler, and Bonehead.  He is pending trial for purchasing a resident hunting license when it appears his residence is really California...a wine-producer, no less.  Most importantly, however, is he has been able to convince the Bozeman powers-that-be to stop any court action until AFTER THE PRIMARY ELECTION!  Now just how did he do that, Bozeman? 
   The point of all of this is how did all three of these mega-rich, out-of-state Republicans happen to come to Bozeman and our low-population, hard Right state and use our voters to make their way to Washington D.C.?
   Doesn't that bother you...just a little bit?
   I love Bozeman...but I sure don't like some of their politicians.