Friday, May 25, 2018

This mess is getting worser and worser

Trump's criminally-supportive Congressional Republicans are also brain-dead delusional.

   The truth of the matter is, virtually every one of our government intelligence agencies concluded that Russia meddled with our 2016 presidential election, but our  president refuses to accept it.
   This fact alone has become the most cataclysmic event of our  nation's once proud and glorious history.
   But, as hard as that pill is to swallow, we are now confronted with an even larger and more ruinous pill of seismic portions!
   To explain:  I thought we had gained considerable knowledge from Nixon's Watergate that "the cover-up is always worse than the crime."  Evidently, that is not the case.  In fact, it appears we did not learn a damn thing about the crimes of politicians and their political cover-ups.
   The President and his White House Staff have loosed the hounds of hell and completely eclipsed the evil deeds of whatever Russia did to us.  They have shifted the "presidential lying machine" into high gear and are laying waste to everything once considered sacred to American Values.
   And that is what will really do us in as a respected member of the free world.  People around the globe are seeing giant cracks in our "beacon of freedom."  Our word is not nearly as good as it once was, our friends are not nearly as close as they once were, and our enemies are taking a closer look at our vulnerabilities.  In short, we are much less than we once were!
   This president has cast aside any concern he might have had for America and his only interest right now is to save his own butt!  He will not accept the truth and he will not accept the consequences of his irrational actions.
   This must all stop!

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