Bozeman, MT: The Political Portal from Hell

John Watson
Retired Newspaper Publisher
   One man's opinion...
     Montanans...we've got trouble my friends, I say trouble! ... right here in the Bozone:  the beautiful, vibrant Bozeman, Montana.  And it starts with "R" and rhymes with "bizarre" and stands for "Republicans."
   First we had a "gazillionaire" named Steve Daines who entered the U.S. Senate through the "political portal from Hell" with the help of the Republican National Committee's digging into a meaningless error by his Democrat opponent, and then spending millions to force him to quit the race.  Daines continues to repay their generosity by proving to be a rubber stamp of the highest order on all bills spawned by a Republican.
   Then we had another multi-millionaire, Greg Gianforte, who crawled through the "political portal" and ended up in Bozeman.  On the eve of the election, he showed his political prowess as a Republican by beating a news reporter to the ground because he didn't like the question he was being asked.  He has become a rubber stamp for the Trump Republicans, as well.  His hatred for the media makes him a strong, loyal Trump-kind-of-guy.
   And now - drum roll, please - we find ourselves in the awful presence of Troy Downing:   Bozemanite, Bazillionaire, Bamboozler, and Bonehead.  He is pending trial for purchasing a resident hunting license when it appears his residence is really California...a wine-producer, no less.  Most importantly, however, is he has been able to convince the Bozeman powers-that-be to stop any court action until AFTER THE PRIMARY ELECTION!  Now just how did he do that, Bozeman? 
   The point of all of this is how did all three of these mega-rich, out-of-state Republicans happen to come to Bozeman and our low-population, hard Right state and use our voters to make their way to Washington D.C.?
   Doesn't that bother you...just a little bit?
   I love Bozeman...but I sure don't like some of their politicians.


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