Who are Trump's Poll Monkeys?

Political Cartoon by Darko
The woods are frightening, dark and deep,
but he has many lies to keep,
and miles to go before we sleep,
and miles to go before we sleep.
    America finds herself in a deep, dark and scary wooded area, and it's about time she readjusts her actions on just what to do about this horror.  Continually tossing hand grenades at the president and his gang of deplorables seem to be getting us nowhere.  These "poll monkeys," who help the president's approval numbers reach 43%, must get our immediate attention.  Most would agree if we could remove his support system, he would give up because he operates on an ego that is juiced by his adoring fans.  And, he would be rendered impotent if he had no one to cheer at his never-ending, lie-infested, campaign-style tweets and rallies.  

   Think about it.  Roughly 43% of those who were polled think we are living in a land of sunshine,  free wine, and roses.  Do these people live underground and do nothing but contemplate the lint in their belly buttons?  We hear noise from them, such as,  "just try to impeach the president and we will begin Civil War II."  Or, maybe threats like, "We're armed and ready to fight!"

   This is the attitude that permeates the air these days.    These are the people you see at Trump rallies.  They are the folks that sit behind the president at his rallies, or those who roam the audience with conspicuous side arms, Confederate Flags, and displaying nauseating signs of what would happen if someone declared opposition to their "leader."  All of this should remind us of something that happened many years ago in Europe.  Those thugs thought their "might was right,"  too.)  

   This isn't America any more.  This is a nation that has stumbled and is having trouble getting back to its feet.  And, it is a nation that should have been able to rely on its congress to right the ship, but its congress is only interested in protecting their own butts - and butts of their all-important political party!

   Trump's poll monkeys are easy to spot:  They see no evil, hear no evil, and certainly will never speak of evil.  Watch for them the next time the president needs a big shot of "ain't I great" and stages another "love me" rally.

   Believe me, they will be easy to spot. 










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