Monday, May 14, 2018

Money, money, money...

cartoon by John Watson

   "I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay
Ain't it sad
And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me
That's too bad
In my dreams I have a plan
If I got me a wealthy man
I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball...
Money, money, money
always sunny
In the rich man's world"
(from ABBA lyrics of Money, Money, Money)
    I think about these words whenever I have trouble sleeping because of the turmoil President Trump and his "swamp full of deplorables" have created for America.  Consider this list - and it is far from complete - about the decisions they have made in the name of things they want us to believe will be good for America, but are really only good for themselves and Corporate America.
   Any list should begin with their elimination of regulations on companies that will allow them to make more money while making our fresh air more deadly, our drinking water more polluted, and our land more ravaged and left for taxpayers to clean up.  Of course, their promises of more jobs or pay raises is a pipe dream that has long ago been debunked.
   Let's not forget the huge $1.5 trillion tax cut gift to the Two-percenters in America, and a few crumbs left on the table for the other Ninety-Eight percenters.  Which group do you think the "swamp" was considering helping?
   In America, 1 out of 5 children go to bed hungry.  The "swamp" makes cuts in Food Stamps, Medicaid, and various other programs that used to help these kids.  Why?  To help the GOP pay for their welfare programs for the rich.
   We all know that money is the root of all evil, but it seems the "Trump swamp" has enlisted the Christian Right to forgive them of their sins. 
   You would be hard pressed to find an issue out of this "swamp" that does not monetarily benefit our richest.  The things that America most urgently needs, like our crumbling infrastructure - always finds its way to the bottom of their list.  Too expensive.  No money available.   But a $1.5 trillion tax cut for those that really don't need it...well the "swamp" knows right where to get that amount:  from programs for our most needy citizens! 
   Look around.  This is no Liberal rant.  This is the "swamp" speaking.  And the "swamp" is saying, "We have to fatten our money vaults while we're still in power.  And, for our fat friends, too!"
   All the things "we" could do
  If I had a little money
  It's a rich man's world.
Money, money, money
must be funny
In a rich man's world.

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