His Lies Lessen Us As Americans...

"I'm really getting sick of these lies"

   I can remember my parents sitting close to the radio and listening to FDR give his "fireside chats."  Those chats kept American families up to date on what was happening in the world - especially as they related to America.  I'm sure everyone with a radio was quieting the kids and listening with great interest.  And they were confident that they would get the truth.
   Today, our president handles his leadership and concern for American families much different...he ignores them!   What a family gets today is tweets from morning to night -  mostly about whatever dribbles out of his mind, and whatever is about him. And more often than not, the facts be damned!
   You see, we have a narcissistic, self-inflated, pathological liar who must spend most of his time berating everyone and anyone who has spoken or written against him.   
   The most telling psychological rendition of Donald J. Trump can be gleaned from the mind of a man called Tony Schwartz.  If his name doesn't sound familiar, it's because he is the silent - but the only - co-author of the book Trump likes to claim as his work:  "The Art of the Deal."  Schwartz says, "I wrote the entire book.  Trump took out some names of people he either didn't like or didn't want to hurt."  Schwartz goes on to say, "Trump has said on national television shows that he has written many books...many good books.  Well, his name may be on them, but he not only didn't write any of them, but I doubt very much that he has even read them...because he neither writes nor reads!"

   Schwartz's analysis of how Trump thinks is like this:  "He lives with his brain in a bubble, and anything he thinks about  become his reality.  He doesn't care that anyone calls him a liar, because in his own mind, all that matter is what he thinks."

   Schwartz uses this example to further illustrate the man:  Trump could hold up a bottle of water on television and say it is a bottle of catsup.  The media would report that it was a bottle of water and Trump would, in response, tell people that they were just lied to by those despicable enemies  of the people...the lying, fake news media.  And to his last breath, he will believe it was catsup. 
   This is Donald Trump, our President of the United States of America.  How do we know we can believe him when something really serious comes at us?   Something terribly frightening that may include American deaths?  Who will stand up and tell us the truth?  Will our Congress finally grow a backbone and decide to put America ahead of their party and tell us?

   This man lies!  And his lies lessen us as Americans...and it lessens our friends around the globe.

   And he lies, and he lies, and he lies!



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