How to get rid of a plague...

    The wisest words I've heard about the Trump Administration's corrupt quagmire came from E. J. Dionne, Jr., columnist for the Washington Post.
   "It may not have been his intention, but special counsel Robert Mueller has forced a momentous choice on the Democrats who control the House of Representatives.  How they navigate the next several months will matter not only to politics but, more importantly, to whether the rule of law prevails.
   If we lived in a normal time with a normal president, a normal Republican Party and a normal attorney general, none of this would be so difficult.  Mueller's report is devastating.  It portrays a lying, lawless president who pressured aides to obstruct the probe and was happy - 'Russia, if you're listening...' - to win office with the help of a hostile foreign power.  It also, by the way, shows him to be weak and hapless.  His aides ignored his orders, and he regularly pandered to a Russian dictator.
   Mueller's catalogue of infamy might have led Republicans of another day to say:  Enough.  But the GOP's new standard seems to be that a president is great as long as he's unindicted."
   We, as Americans, have a stake in this atrocity, as well.  We voted according to ill-informed and grossly deceptive advice from, of all places, social media that was placed by Russian hackers.  Will we learn anything by 2020?
   As Democrats, we must now make cautious and deliberate decisions.  And as Republicans, we must vote with our minds and not with our hearts.
   As I see it, we have at least three primary choices:  (1) Begin the impeachment process now because our constitution demands it.  (2)  Wait and vote him out of office in 2020, and take the chance his evil deeds will pass from our voters memory.  (3)  Try to force him to resign by revealing his fraudulent tax returns and various other crimes the courts are now pursuing.

   Dionne, Jr. concluded with: "In an ideal world, the corruption and deceitfulness Mueller catalogued would already have Trump flying off to one of his golf resorts for good.  But we do not live in such a world.  Defending democratic values and republican government requires fearlessness. It also takes patience."

   I would conclude with:  We have been wandering in this deceit and corruption for  822 much patience do we have left?

   Only the U.S. Senate Republicans can answer that.



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