Why Speaker Pelosi Is Wrong...

    Speaker Pelosi said, "the media is obsessed with impeaching the president."
   Well, I can't argue with that.   Television cable news is covering the thought of impeachment with head-banging gusto, but I believe they can make a great case that they are doing so because their reporting merely reflects what the majority of the country wants, as well.
   What I do argue with the Speaker about is her assertion:  "Impeachment shouldn't be political."  (She further opines that it appears it would be political.)
   Anyone I know who is hell-bent on removing the president from office has a much more intense reason than removing him for political reasons.  As a matter of fact, I've heard it often said that they would be just fine if he were replaced with another Republican, and Independent, a Democrat, or a fairly well trained monkey.
   What the Speaker needs to remember is she is looking at the situation from within her role in government.  We, out here in the hinterland, have a multitude of reason for bouncing him out of the Oval Office. 
   To name three, but not limited to, are:  (1) Because he has been fact-checked at lying to all of us nearly 11,000 times since taking office.  That damages our nation's image domestically as well as internationally.  (2)  He has openly proclaimed his trust in our hostile adversaries over our allies, and even over our own intelligence agencies.  (3)  He has been found guilty of probable obstruction of justice at least ten different times according to the Mueller Report. 
   And the reasons I personally find most damaging are:  he ignores any of our laws he finds distasteful to him, he viciously attacks anyone who disagrees with him, and he runs our government like he is a ruthless crime boss.
   But the most critical reason I can think of for his removal from office is this:  He is a seriously flawed human being.
   So, Speaker Pelosi, removing President Donald J. Trump  from office is not a political whim of any American I know.  As a matter of fact, that would not even fall into the top 75 reasons for impeachment.
   However, if the Republican Members of the U.S. Senate did not vote to remove him...well, that would definitely be for a political reason!

This reminds me of a slogan I heard somewhere
and it really fits right now:





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