Our Inglorious Independence Day 2019

   The words always came fast and easy as I streamed my words of praise for my country, my leaders, and my heartfelt thanks that I have grown up in this country I call home. 

   From my birth in the little town of Fort Benton, Montana, I have always had sufficient reasons to be humbly proud and amply blessed that I can say I am an American.

   This year, however, my focus is on those who were not born here but are willing to go through hell to live the life I do.  We are putting small children and adults through pure torture simply because they want to live in a land they  were promised was the  place for 'huddled masses yearning to breathe free.'

   Somehow, the 'leaders' of today's America have decided to strike that promise from our solemn pledge.  For whatever reason they have for doing so, we have debased one of the basic tenets of our democracy.

  Meanwhile, our president finds it a perfect time to celebrate our Independence this Fourth of July through his self-glorification by ordering our military to present itself to the world.

   This is not who or what America is.

   But, this is what a simple-minded narcissist is...when he momentarily wants to upstage his exposed and deeply flawed character.  

   Our nation - and the world - will be watching.  And heads will be shaking.  And hearts will be aching.  And minds will be reeling.  And whispers will be heard:   "Has the mighty nation, the 'city on the hill', the home of the free, the place where all hunger to enter...has it really fallen that far?"

   Ask Donald J. Trump and his political party members in the U.S. House and Senate.

   Ask them. 

   And damn well demand an answer, too!    



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