The $64 Million Dollar Question...

    Have you ever wondered what the president had in mind when he dropped on us the phrase "Make America Great Again?"  More specifically, the word "Again" is what bothers me the most.  Just what period in America's past is he referring to?

    Is he thinking about the good ol' days before our Civil War? 

    Pre-Civil War thinking would make sense since we know he is a believer in White Supremacy and has real issues with people of color.  In those dark times, Donald Trump would have fit right in with those who believed people of color were considered only three-fifths of a person and white folks were allowed to "own" them. 

    Is that the "Make America Great AGAIN" era Trump had in mind? 

    Maybe his mind skipped through his dreams of honeysuckle and cotton fields on his daddy's big plantation, where he dined on the best food, sipped mint juleps, and frolicked with the debutantes while the slaves broke their backs bringing in the cash crops.

    Other than these pre-Civil War years, what other time would have captured his fancy?

    After all, America has always been great!

    Sure, we have had struggles, but we always came through them even stronger than before.  Even those terrible years of our "war between the states" when we lost so many of our fellow Americans.  If we could survive and grow from those heart-wrenching times, we can endure anything.

    But a coup by Trump, his family, inner-circle of thugs, and Republicans who support him are, indeed, a handful of misery.  It is my opinion that if the principals in this onslaught were all we had to face, it would be a relatively quick and easy battle.  We know all to well, however, it isn't the only enemy.

    The real enemy right now is the multitude of their supporters in congress and around the country who can't see the crime-ridden forest for the lying trees.  They see things as they wish them to be - not as they truly are.

    So, what did he mean by "Make America Great Again?" 

    Just what time in our past is he trying to replicate?

    More importantly, are we going to let him?




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