Monday, May 25, 2020

Voters Have Been Watching...

   A great angst grew  in the hearts of Republican Senators and Representatives in the United States Congress.  For more than three years under the guidance of the President, they savored the menacing antics of his governmental wrecking ball.  Together, they drove a wedge between the major political parties and created a chasm wider than the Grand Canyon.  It also amplified the polarization of the two parties to a deafening din.

   Today, however, that worm is beginning to turn.

   The president's corrupt, untruthful, and ineffective style of governing has brought the opposition and independent parties to a boiling point.  Even some members of his own party are retreating into the woodwork.  While many hardliners will keep whistling as they run through the graveyards of their former voters, they know full-well that the wrecking ball has reached its highest point and is now swinging back.  And that backward swing is going to do a lot of damage to the Republican Party's Congressional Members who are being caught flat-footed and quickly running out of things to cheer about.  Power in the hands of the corrupt will always become short-lived.

   It would seem that there is time to unhook their wagon from the wonderless horse, cut their losses, and quickly arrange a new re-election strategy.  It would seem.   But, it would also seem they have decided to go down swinging.

   A few GOP Senators have voiced weak concerns about how the big guy might take them down with him, but the more headstrong have run to the nearest reporter and doubled-down on their support of that big guy.

   In the final analysis, however,  the American Voters will have the last word.  They always do.  

   On November 3, 2020, this election will be of more importance than America has seen in many years.  It will, hopefully, calm some very troublesome waters...or it may also cause a horrendous tidal wave.  We need to remember that the wicked and the lost can be an unmerciful lot. They will cut off their nose to spite their face and celebrate their ignorance as if losing was a virtue.

   But one thing will be clear:  Whatever the outcome, the Grand Old Party will never be the same again.  When you give your soul to the devil, you can never expect to get it back.

   Like the lengthy memory of that elephant that symbolizes their party,  so, too, will be the memory of the voters.



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