Wednesday, May 27, 2020

When is it enough?

Opinion By

   Dear God, wasn't it enough that we had to deal with a tyrant who thought himself a president?  A blatant liar who fancied himself the greatest of all leaders?  A psychological misfit who is unable to carry out the duties that he promised the nation he could do?  A mafia-style con man who saw no need to obey any of our rules of law? 

   Wasn't that enough for us to bear?

   Well into the third year of his first term, you gave us one more deadly burden to carry.  A pandemic crisis in the name of coronavirus.  A deadly infectious disease that not only crept across our nation but around the globe.  Before this week is out, we will have seen 100,000 deaths in America.  And worst of all, medical scientists say we are not even at mid-point in this horrendous battle.

   Because of this false leader, this tyrant and bully, this social misfit, he is also failing us as the calming shepherd he should be.  His lack of character and dignity leads him to remove himself from any blame.  He points to others for results and rudely attacks anyone who would announce his shortcomings.  

   He shows great hostility toward our people who fervently need help in following the restrictions placed on everyone in order to survive this virus.  He wants all people to cast aside the orders to stay at home and stay safe.  He wants the nation to open its retail and service businesses.  He wants people back to work.  He wants our economy and Wall Street back.

   And why? Because he wants to be re-elected in November, and bad numbers and loss of life will not help him!  (The fact that he has badly handled the crisis seems to be a non-issue with his followers.)

   The coronavirus cases are still climbing because the people have succumbed to the tyrant's rants.  The deaths are still climbing because the misfit is leading them over the cliff like lemmings to the slaughter.  Medical experts say we must obey all restrictions or we will never end this pandemic.  Numbers and a lack of leadership are showing that America is trailing other countries in containing this beast.

   When, dear God, is enough, enough?

   When will the selfish greed in many of our citizens submit to the instructions of our nation's top medical people and help the rest of us contain - and obliterate - this vicious crisis?  When will they learn that by wearing a mask and observing social distancing they will also be helping their fellow man?

   We see foolish people following the egomania of their self-described ruler, only he will not be with them in self-quarantine, ICU beds, hooked to a ventilator, and to the morgue.  Will it only be then that they learn they have listened to the wrong voice?

   If only we had a leader with the empathy to truly lead. We are but a ship of fools without a rudder.

   This time, God, you have given us a mountain that may be too tall to climb.  



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