Saturday, May 23, 2020

When Two Viruses Collide

An Opinion By


An Epic Battle of  Virus vs. Virus

    The collision of two virus forms happened right here in America, and the world gasped in total shock and disbelief, as they witnessed just how far the world super power and bastion of freedom had fallen from grace?

    Once in a lifetime should be more than enough for people to endure the rampage of two deadly viruses at the same time.  Even worse is the political posturing by one of them as he uses the pandemic to his advantage in the polls.

    Consider the latest results by an international team of medical scientists:  If the President of the United States had acted a mere one week sooner, at least 36,000 lives could have been saved in America!  Unfortunately, he didn't.  But why?  Ah, that is a question for his politically evil madness.  

    In his efforts to keep all coronavirus numbers of cases, number of tests, and number of deaths from prying eyes, he lied, deceived, covered-up, and lied some keep his poll numbers from falling into the basement.  He, and his vice-president, led the people on a wild goose chase of misinformation.  First, "we only had 15 cases and it would be down to 0 in a matter of days."  Then, "it would be gone when the warm weather came."   Or, "It would be gone by Memorial Day."  Or, "We would have a vaccine by Fall, or at the very latest by the end of the year."  And, The people's favorite joke was "Hydroxychloroquine will be the ultimate cure... I'm even taking it every day, myself," he admitted on national television.  (Few people believed him, however.)

    When the medical scientists could get a word in edgewise and before they were fired, they informed the people that this other virus was going to be around for awhile...maybe two years!  That message put the fear of low, low poll numbers into high gear for the head virus.  The economy was about the only thing he had to brag about in the last three years and with the country all but shut down he was in deep trouble.

    So, the head virus began a campaign to open up the country.  Get businesses open and get everybody back to work. Full steam ahead and the hell with getting people infected.  Some right-wing politicians said, "Americans will be willing to die to protect the country's economy."  Of course, those folks were not volunteering to step up and give their life for the cause. That was a job for our American Workers.  So called "protesters" (more like terrorist thugs) dressed in their finest camo wear, nazi symbols, Confederate Flags, and assault weapons, demanded the country be opened - right now!  (They looked suspiciously like the head virus' "base" of crazies we all watched in horror on national television at his raucous rallies.)

    The head virus is lying his lil' heart out several times a day, every day.  His demands to open every business in every state in the country are the war chant of the hour, and if state governors refuse, he threatens to override their orders.  (of course, all legal minds know he lacks the authority to do it.)

    So where do we go from here?  At what point do we simply ignore the head virus' lies and begin listening to the real virus?

    It appears we can only handle one of these varmints at a time and it is fairly evident that the head virus will be gone in about five months.  

    In the meantime, let's listen to the medical experts and get this pandemic resolved.  And that means we all need to be working on the same page!

    ...Not on the page that has the other virus' lies!









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