Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Montana Needs Better

   There is something that we, as Montanans, need to know.  Rep. Greg Gianforte is not one of us, he is not like any of us, and he is not going to speak for any of us...unless we are at least a millionair.

   Gregory Gianforte, 59, is presently serving as the U.S. Representative for Montana's at-large congressional district since 2017.  He was born in San Diego, California.   Gianforte and his wife founded RightNow Technologies, a software company which went public in 2004, before being acquired by Oracle in 2011.

   Gianforte is currently the second wealthiest member of Congress, since Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) left office in 2019.  He was convicted of assault in state court in 2017, stemming from his election-eve attack on The Guardian political reporter Ben Jacobs in May 2017.  He was fined and sentenced to community service and anger management therapy.  As a stipulation of his settlement with Jacobs, he donated $50,000 to the Committee to Protect Journalists, which said it would use the  funds to support the U.S. Freedom Tracker.

   One item not listed in his bio might be the second most distasteful item we need to know about Rep. Gianforte:  He is a strong supporter of the president.

   The most distasteful item, however, is his body-slam of reporter Jacobs and the subsequent lie he gave regarding the incident, which initiated the above political cartoon that was published in numerous newspapers across the country.

   To lose your temper and attack a news reporter for asking a harmless question about your thoughts on the Affordable Care Act is serious enough, but if he wants to be our next Governor, he certainly needs a cooler head than that!  That is why the court ordered anger management therapy.  There would be no worse character combinations in a man than someone with anger management issues, a bank vault full of money. and a strong yen to buy the most powerful office in our state.

   What else do we need to know about Gianforte?  Well,  he claims the Earth is only about 6,000 years old (all experts agree its age is around 5 billion) which would put dinosaurs frolicking with Jesus and his disciples, the pharaohs of Egypt, Moses, and a whole bunch of our ancestors.  Does this make Gianforte a kook?  You decide.

   Just because he started a company, ran it for a few years, took it public, and sold it for billions, does not make him a wise businessman...or  governor material.  We thought our current president would do a great job because he was a tycoon of a businessman.  How did that man of corrupt and lying ways work out?  And just why is he so appealing to Mr. Gianforte?  

   As the saying goes, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

   My endorsement for Governor will have to go to someone else.  This guy is not worthy of your vote.  And he doesn't show me of being worth much else, either.

   Unless, of course, you count his money.  




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