The Kabuki King...

 Kabuki Theatre presents 
"The Lil King Who Couldn't"

You will hear him lie and cheat.  He will prance around the stage and disrupt the debate.  He will try to annoy his opponent by sneaking up behind him and mugging for the crowd.  He will proclaim everything his opponent says is "fake news."  He will act as a buffoon to interrupt the topics at hand. He will, in the end, entertain only his base of support and no one else.

Kabuki Theatre is a form of traditional Japanese drama with highly stylized song, mime, and dance, using exaggerated gestures and body movements to express emotions.  Donald J. Trump's version will also  include tap dancing around hard questions from the moderator.  He will, of course, be in his vintage orangey-gold face paint and familiar long red tie. 

There will definitely be a performance for those who will have the stomach to watch and listen.  

Former Vice-President Joe Biden, candidate for President of the United States, is in a very tough spot.  He will be the proverbial straight man to the clown prince of Kabuki Theatre, and that is a role I wouldn't wish on anyone. 

Worst of all, not one minute of it will be of any importance to a nation that is as divided as this one.  I doubt one single vote will be swayed and we will all go to bed tonight with visions of demons hounding us in a fitful sleep.

God help us, every one.


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