Monday, August 4, 2014

Do the right thing, not the "Right" thing...

If you think Congressman Steve Daines should benefit from Senator John Walsh's misstep, think again.
This news story about Walsh's plagiarism is about Walsh.  It is not a reason to elect Daines.  That kind of thinking is running rampant in the biased news outlets, however.  It is that kind of political mentality that has put some pitiful people into public office.
While we accept the fact that past performance by a candidate is powerful stuff, the overriding issue, to me, is judging how they will perform in office.  We have all made mistakes, and we will continue making them, but as a wise old teacher drilled into my brain, "try to not make the same ones."  Well, I will give myself a "C" on that, but to my credit, at least I remembered it.
Look at the two major choices this way:  Walsh is for the Middle Class and Poor getting ahead.  Daines is for the rich and mega-rich getting further ahead...a lot further ahead!
That's all you need to know.
I don't think we have to worry about Walsh plagiarizing any thesis papers while in the U.S. Senate.  I'm pretty sure he has learned his lesson and earned his get-out-of-trouble-free- card.
Daines, on the other hand, is bound to plagiarize every damn word of the Tea Party Nitwits and Money-Lovin' Republicans guidebooks that have ever been printed.  He won't put quotation marks around any of the content because he wants you to think they were all his own nasty little ideas.
Moral:  You don't elect a nitwit because of an error made by a his opponent seven years ago!


  1. Maybe you should pull your head out of where ever it is and get some fresh air into your brain so you can think straight and quit bashing the GOP. The problem with Washington is the no good POS in the white house!!!!
