Friday, November 14, 2014

Above the law?

Montana Media folks from Helena may have stumbled onto a "Secret GOP Caucus Meeting"  ...yeah, so what else is new?
The GOP has a long history of secret caucus meetings and they were nearly always found out.  It's like they keep doing the same dumb things while hoping for a different outcome.
Why they insist on doing this is the bigger mystery.  Do they paint a pentagram on the floor and mumble unimaginable chants, or do they burn voodoo dolls in the likeness of Democrats?  Maybe they drink strange brew and bay at the moon. 
When Montanans read about the secret shenanigans of Legislative Members  of the State's Grand Old Party, their credibility drops like a rock.  But, onward they march with nary a discernible care in the world.
It is important to note that the Montana House and Senate GOP believe they are within their rights to hold secret meetings while discussing the peoples' business.  They have often said as much and, evidently, will continue to do so.
Actually, in the past they have pushed for even more brazen measures. They have tried many times to disallow the media from attending their regular caucus meetings.  Subsequent law suits by the media seem to do little to change their minds.
Considering they are Hell bent on ignoring the law of the people, one must ask three or four questions.
Do they feel they are above the law...or do they feel the laws are for someone else?
Or both?
And what do they not want the Montana People to know?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Guess who DIDN'T come to "dinner"...

Somehow, this has taken a very wrong turn, and it looks like the turkeys have scored a big win this time.
Sadly, too many of the pilgrims decided to sit this one out and those that did show up were outnumbered at "ye ole voting booth chopping block."
It was supposed to be a great day at the Thanksgiving Feast for the pilgrims this year, because there were many things yet to be settled with the Indians.   They hoped to finally have the votes to remove large amounts of dark money from future elections.  Hopes were also high to resolve issues like sustaining the Affordable Care Act, protecting Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security from the turkeys who would rather see them all turned into tax breaks for the richest 2%.
Surveys show that only one-third of America's registered pilgrims went to the polls this month.  Assuming the GOP garnered slightly more than half of that one-third, we can safely assume they had a "landslide victory" with a minuscule half of one-third of the votes!
Concluding that thought, the turkeys are definitely gobbling their heads off with all kinds of vengeance toward the pilgrims this Thanksgiving.  Ugly threats abound from the head turkeys, and the luckless pilgrims are clearly on the turkey's menu this year.
Also, a message to the two-thirds of the pilgrims that stayed home:  "Ye shall reap that which ye didn't sow."
...gobble, gobble.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

What's you excuse, buddy?

Something needs to be said about what happened on Tuesday, November 4, 2014...and I don't mean the winners and losers, either.
Patrick Romain, Editor of The Weekly Leaf (Fort Lee, NJ) wrote, "...the election reveals a number of alarming trends that are weaking America's democratic tradition.  Only 1/3 went to the polls to cast their votes, which is down even further from 2010 and 2012 of those participating votes."
Approximately $3.7 billion was spent to sway voters' choices.
"America's national media continues to hype and encourage confrontation and disagreement at the expense of focusing on critical policy issues," Romain wrote.  "Promises by newly-elected Majority Leader Senator McConnell on election night communicated cooperation, only to abandon it within 24 hours."
He and Speaker Boehner quickly displayed their long-time attitude of sustaining the climate of polarization.
The real meat of this polarized political scene can be mostly placed at the feet of our national media.   They refuse to make  "Breaking News" issues of hypocritical claims and outright lies by candidates and their political parties, which leave voters uninformed and blinded.  That means the voters are left accepting only what they want to accept.
Voters aged 18-29 represented only 13% of total votes." (Edison Research exit polls)
It has been shown that 60% of consistently liberals and 78% of consistently conservatives are  more likely to vote." (Pew research)
Most importantly, the majority of those who voted this year, think America is on the wrong track and the economy is poor...EVEN THOUGH ALL INDICATORS ARE SHOWING JUST THE OPPOSITE!  Where do they get that information?
I have been a loyal CNN viewer for years, but when it comes to informing our country of the real truth behind America's Politics, they fail miserably.  They are good at jumping on governmental problems, such as the VA mess, but terrible at America's political leaders in the House and Senate. (Evidently, those stories don't earn Pulitzer Prizes.)
Since CNN is on 24/7/365, you'd think they could find time to report on what really matters: giving people the straight scoop through earnest fact-checking!
Isn't it more important than the hours and hours of coverage of some guy named Bourdain, traveling around the world and eating exotic food?

Friday, November 7, 2014

How do you like 'em now?

I've been scouring the pages of my thesaurus, trying to find new words to describe the Republican Party and their plans of destruction.  There are few remaining that I - and others - haven't used.

Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) is Chairman of the House Budget Committee and author of an insane proposed budget bill that includes - among other nasty things - a change to our present Medicare Program.  He insists the program must disappear and be replaced with a voucher system.  As you can expect, all radical Republicans are in full agreement with this hair-brained idea.

The voucher idea fits right in with the other ridiculous plans the GOP has in store for you, the witting or unwitting, voters who opened the gates for these thugs.  Other dangerous ideas include privatization of Social Security, elimination of Medicaid, and repeal of their thorn-in-the-side "Obamacare."

Nearly all of those Republican Politicians who will vote for such outlandish proposed bill are millionaires and multi-millionaires.  As you probably know, our newly elected Montana U.S. Senator is among the latter.  And, you probably also know that he will never be at the front of the line for Medicare, Medicaid, "Obamacare," or Social Security.

Their excuse for gutting these programs is that we can no longer afford them.  We can, of course, afford the trillion dollars or so that will give the richest 2% of us further tax breaks.  (Yes, that's part of their plan, too.)  And, they were also in favor of two unfunded - and unnecessary -  wars.

To paraphrase the title of an old western song, "How do you like 'em now?"


Thursday, November 6, 2014

"Get 'er done!"

I've changed my mind about whether the XL Pipeline should be built or not.
Yeah, I has something to do with Tuesday's election results.  Since it  sounds like the All-New, Republicanized United States Senate is going to see that the pipeline gets built anyway - come Hell or high water - I have decided the best thing to do is build the damn thing!
Let's build it and then hope that the press will do their job and reveal exactly who is going to reap the profits from this "dirty oil highway" from Canada to Texas.  (How much will be reaped will also be interesting.)
We all know that when 99.8% of the GOP in America puts their greedy little minds behind a project like this, it's going to be worth a mountain of money to somebody within their ranks.
God knows, it won't be worth a pimple on the hind end of an elephant to the 35 full-time workers after construction is completed. 
After completion, when the pipeline springs a leak - and it certainly will - we can always blame the XL Line on the president who signed it into law...with the GOP's gun at his head.  By the way, there is evidence already on file in America about an on-going project to clean up a leak of tar sands oil that has been going on for years, with no completion date in site.  This kind of oil is known to make the most destructive mess of all oil spills.  
So, let's get 'er done, as they say, and move on to more pressing things, like turning Medicare in a voucher program, privatizing Social Security, killing Medicaid altogether, and repealing "Obamacare."
Oh, it's going to be a grand time, folks!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Final Words...

If you believe most of the media, you will soon see a stampeding herd of Elephants winning elections  in local, state and national offices.
This could all be very true.  The "Shadow" used to begin each of his radio shows with,  "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?"
The Elephants have convinced a plethora of voters that our president is pure evil and any politician who dares appear in the same state with him will be humiliatingly defeated at the ballot box.
Even though the many  successful endeavors the Obama Administration has achieved - especially in the economic arena - the media refuses to give him credit.  The president has brought this nation back from the brink - a perilous eight-year period that was carried out by the misdeeds of the previous administration - and still he receives no credit.  It has been further noted that Obama's lowest approval rating has been higher than the lowest ratings of any president since John F. Kennedy.
There are those who know that the real haters of this president are opposed to the man and his color more so than the body of his work.  It is obvious, and it rears its ugly head often and with aggression.  And still, the media will not go there.  It explains a lot of the Elephants hostility, but it falls on American Media's deaf ears.
Whatever the outcome on November 4th, 2014, the real story will be revealed by the actions of the winners, once in office.  We will be shown who told us the truth and who promised things they had no intention of delivering.  We will watch their voting records with extreme curiosity. 
A politician's lies have a way of coming home to roost.