Guess who DIDN'T come to "dinner"...

Somehow, this has taken a very wrong turn, and it looks like the turkeys have scored a big win this time.
Sadly, too many of the pilgrims decided to sit this one out and those that did show up were outnumbered at "ye ole voting booth chopping block."
It was supposed to be a great day at the Thanksgiving Feast for the pilgrims this year, because there were many things yet to be settled with the Indians.   They hoped to finally have the votes to remove large amounts of dark money from future elections.  Hopes were also high to resolve issues like sustaining the Affordable Care Act, protecting Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security from the turkeys who would rather see them all turned into tax breaks for the richest 2%.
Surveys show that only one-third of America's registered pilgrims went to the polls this month.  Assuming the GOP garnered slightly more than half of that one-third, we can safely assume they had a "landslide victory" with a minuscule half of one-third of the votes!
Concluding that thought, the turkeys are definitely gobbling their heads off with all kinds of vengeance toward the pilgrims this Thanksgiving.  Ugly threats abound from the head turkeys, and the luckless pilgrims are clearly on the turkey's menu this year.
Also, a message to the two-thirds of the pilgrims that stayed home:  "Ye shall reap that which ye didn't sow."
...gobble, gobble.


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