How do you like 'em now?

I've been scouring the pages of my thesaurus, trying to find new words to describe the Republican Party and their plans of destruction.  There are few remaining that I - and others - haven't used.

Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) is Chairman of the House Budget Committee and author of an insane proposed budget bill that includes - among other nasty things - a change to our present Medicare Program.  He insists the program must disappear and be replaced with a voucher system.  As you can expect, all radical Republicans are in full agreement with this hair-brained idea.

The voucher idea fits right in with the other ridiculous plans the GOP has in store for you, the witting or unwitting, voters who opened the gates for these thugs.  Other dangerous ideas include privatization of Social Security, elimination of Medicaid, and repeal of their thorn-in-the-side "Obamacare."

Nearly all of those Republican Politicians who will vote for such outlandish proposed bill are millionaires and multi-millionaires.  As you probably know, our newly elected Montana U.S. Senator is among the latter.  And, you probably also know that he will never be at the front of the line for Medicare, Medicaid, "Obamacare," or Social Security.

Their excuse for gutting these programs is that we can no longer afford them.  We can, of course, afford the trillion dollars or so that will give the richest 2% of us further tax breaks.  (Yes, that's part of their plan, too.)  And, they were also in favor of two unfunded - and unnecessary -  wars.

To paraphrase the title of an old western song, "How do you like 'em now?"



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