Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Final Words...

If you believe most of the media, you will soon see a stampeding herd of Elephants winning elections  in local, state and national offices.
This could all be very true.  The "Shadow" used to begin each of his radio shows with,  "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?"
The Elephants have convinced a plethora of voters that our president is pure evil and any politician who dares appear in the same state with him will be humiliatingly defeated at the ballot box.
Even though the many  successful endeavors the Obama Administration has achieved - especially in the economic arena - the media refuses to give him credit.  The president has brought this nation back from the brink - a perilous eight-year period that was carried out by the misdeeds of the previous administration - and still he receives no credit.  It has been further noted that Obama's lowest approval rating has been higher than the lowest ratings of any president since John F. Kennedy.
There are those who know that the real haters of this president are opposed to the man and his color more so than the body of his work.  It is obvious, and it rears its ugly head often and with aggression.  And still, the media will not go there.  It explains a lot of the Elephants hostility, but it falls on American Media's deaf ears.
Whatever the outcome on November 4th, 2014, the real story will be revealed by the actions of the winners, once in office.  We will be shown who told us the truth and who promised things they had no intention of delivering.  We will watch their voting records with extreme curiosity. 
A politician's lies have a way of coming home to roost.

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