"Get 'er done!"

I've changed my mind about whether the XL Pipeline should be built or not.
Yeah, I know...it has something to do with Tuesday's election results.  Since it  sounds like the All-New, Republicanized United States Senate is going to see that the pipeline gets built anyway - come Hell or high water - I have decided the best thing to do is build the damn thing!
Let's build it and then hope that the press will do their job and reveal exactly who is going to reap the profits from this "dirty oil highway" from Canada to Texas.  (How much will be reaped will also be interesting.)
We all know that when 99.8% of the GOP in America puts their greedy little minds behind a project like this, it's going to be worth a mountain of money to somebody within their ranks.
God knows, it won't be worth a pimple on the hind end of an elephant to the 35 full-time workers after construction is completed. 
After completion, when the pipeline springs a leak - and it certainly will - we can always blame the XL Line on the president who signed it into law...with the GOP's gun at his head.  By the way, there is evidence already on file in America about an on-going project to clean up a leak of tar sands oil that has been going on for years, with no completion date in site.  This kind of oil is known to make the most destructive mess of all oil spills.  
So, let's get 'er done, as they say, and move on to more pressing things, like turning Medicare in a voucher program, privatizing Social Security, killing Medicaid altogether, and repealing "Obamacare."
Oh, it's going to be a grand time, folks!


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