What's you excuse, buddy?

Something needs to be said about what happened on Tuesday, November 4, 2014...and I don't mean the winners and losers, either.
Patrick Romain, Editor of The Weekly Leaf (Fort Lee, NJ) wrote, "...the election reveals a number of alarming trends that are weaking America's democratic tradition.  Only 1/3 went to the polls to cast their votes, which is down even further from 2010 and 2012 of those participating votes."
Approximately $3.7 billion was spent to sway voters' choices.
"America's national media continues to hype and encourage confrontation and disagreement at the expense of focusing on critical policy issues," Romain wrote.  "Promises by newly-elected Majority Leader Senator McConnell on election night communicated cooperation, only to abandon it within 24 hours."
He and Speaker Boehner quickly displayed their long-time attitude of sustaining the climate of polarization.
The real meat of this polarized political scene can be mostly placed at the feet of our national media.   They refuse to make  "Breaking News" issues of hypocritical claims and outright lies by candidates and their political parties, which leave voters uninformed and blinded.  That means the voters are left accepting only what they want to accept.
Voters aged 18-29 represented only 13% of total votes." (Edison Research exit polls)
It has been shown that 60% of consistently liberals and 78% of consistently conservatives are  more likely to vote." (Pew research)
Most importantly, the majority of those who voted this year, think America is on the wrong track and the economy is poor...EVEN THOUGH ALL INDICATORS ARE SHOWING JUST THE OPPOSITE!  Where do they get that information?
I have been a loyal CNN viewer for years, but when it comes to informing our country of the real truth behind America's Politics, they fail miserably.  They are good at jumping on governmental problems, such as the VA mess, but terrible at America's political leaders in the House and Senate. (Evidently, those stories don't earn Pulitzer Prizes.)
Since CNN is on 24/7/365, you'd think they could find time to report on what really matters: giving people the straight scoop through earnest fact-checking!
Isn't it more important than the hours and hours of coverage of some guy named Bourdain, traveling around the world and eating exotic food?


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