First Assess Blame...Then Read The Facts

Daines caricature source:  Creative Common

Let's begin with one glaring fact that no one can dismiss.  Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) and Rep. Ryan Zenke (R-MT) had little-to-no knowledge of the Iran Nuclear Deal when they began rejecting it out of hand.

     Only a fool would pass judgement without learning the facts.
First, we could excuse Zenke's "me too" opinions because he is fairly new in his job and is trying to prove to his party's leadership that he can rubber stamp an issue with the best of them.

Sen. Daines, however, deserves no such free pass.  His one term in the U.S. House proved he could vote 'no' about fifty times on the ACA with no reasonable argument, other than it was President Obama's bill.  (He offered no viable alternative health care reform plan.)

The Senator has given us his "expert opinion" on the Iran nuclear deal with no apparent need to read the full details.  As a matter of fact, nearly every Republican Senator and Representative condemned the deal before the 100+  pages of the negotiated deal were even available.

Sound familiar?  The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare, to the GOP) was trashed the same way.  Their modus operandi is to trash it first and trash it often.  Facts will, of course,  just muddy the waters, anyway.

Remember those forty-seven GOP nitwits who signed and mailed a letter to the Iranian Government during the negotiations, asking that whatever plan was presented by the U.S. should be thrown in the trash?

It's all simply another example of how far these Republicans will go to cripple their president.  When the GOP Leadership hands out the marching orders, the lackeys begin their goose- stepping.

For the record, I have no idea how good - or bad - this Iran Deal is...but I'd sure read it before offering an opinion!  Heck, I think I learned that piece of wisdom in middle school.

Daines and Zenke should have learned it then, too.



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