The Evil Elephant...

There once was a time when we would hear and read about the merits of each candidate as they trudged through the semi-friendly election cycles.  Well, there actually was, but you'd have to be as old as me to remember.  While some meanness prevailed, it was nothing like today.  Meanness and Money.  If we could go back and scoop up the money spent on elections the last few decades, we could...well, let's just say this:  With all of the money spent by candidates, donors, and super-pacs, you'd think we would have ended up with a better class of office winners.
But, the money is spent, so let's get back to meanness.  The Party of "Family Values" is testing our patience once again.

Remember this name:  Jeff Essman, (R-Billings), Montana Republican Chairman, Member of the Montana House of Representatives,  All-Around Mean Guy.
His track record as a Montana politician has always been rather questionable.  His operating style can be described, bluntly, as:  don't force it...use a big, dirty, greasy, unethical hammer instead.
His latest brain-sick act as Chairman was to send an email to all of the party elephants and ask them to send him any and all of the vicious and spiteful things they can dig up on Governor Bullock.  The "offerings" will be used to the fullest in next year's election to unseat the governor.
It's not as if the Montana Republican Party hasn't relied on this strategy before.  The difference, however, is that it's now spelled out, disseminated, and hanging out there for God and everyone to see and marvel at the thickheaded stupidity.  Is there no civility left in this group?  Is there nothing left of integrity?  Have they lowered the bar of common decency so low that anything can slither over it? 
I am one who still believes a voter wants to know something about a candidate that they could see as a positive reason to vote for him or her.  Trashing the opposition candidate may be the sick political way, but it's doesn't have to be the Montana way.
Republican Chairman Essman may turn out to be the Democrat's dream...and his own party's nightmare!



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