Enough is Enough...

At times, we find our state and country in dangerous waters.  We must make sure
we have the right leadership...those who will work for us and not for special interests.

When do the Middle Class Montanans - and Americans -  say "enough is enough" and decide this is the year we head to the polls in November and kick out the "trouble makers" and elect only those who will work for Montana.

And that goes for a billionaire from New Jersey who has strange religious ideas and caters to those who want to turn over public land to the State and, subsequently,  sell it off to those who can afford to buy it for strictly personal use and fence out the rest of us.

We need to pay closer attention to what's happening in Montana politics!

The wrong people are "stacking the deck" with a governor and legislators of their own choosing...and that's going to spell disaster for the rest of us.

The New Jersey guy says he'll bring back jobs to Montana.  There are more people working today in Montana than in years and years. 

He says he'll create "good paying jobs."  But he doesn't say it'll be for Montana workers. 

He says he'll improve Montana's economy.  Montana's economy is better than it has been in years and years.

 So...just what is it he's going to do for Montana?   A better question might be "What is he going to do to Montana? 

Now is not the time to stay away from the ballot boxes in November.  Now is the time to start paying attention.  I know most Montanans shook their heads in disbelief at some of the strange bills that almost became laws in past sessions.  We all need to be more vigilant at what's happening in our Legislative Body.

Otherwise, next time, we'll be shaking our heads in horror at what we let them do.



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