It's time to fish or cut bait...

 One Man's Opinion
John Watson, The Montana Troublemaker
While most of the Montana Media are giving Greg Gianforte a free pass on answering important questions, The Billings Gazette has called him out on his intentions should he become governor.
The billionaire "maybe-I'm-running, maybe-I'm-not" has been very successful at getting his name and face circulated around the state, while refusing to actually tell us what we could expect from him.  Deception seems to be his style and a disingenuous smile is troublesome.  Many will take from his manner a rather "place your vote and take your chance" style of (maybe) campaigning.
Gianforte has some over-the-top ideas concerning his interpretation of the Bible.  He believes the Earth is only about 6,000 years old, which means native Montanans were hunting - and chewing - on dinosaur steaks.  Also, he is quick to point out that we shouldn't retire from our jobs because retirement is "not Biblical."  ("Some of those folks kept working into their 600's.")

Of greater concern to this writer is his ideas about our Public School System in Montana - and presumably elsewhere, too.  He wants more money funneled into religious, private and charter schools.  This would, of course, cut the heart out of our Public System.  Gianforte's wife, Susan, and friends established a heavily funded group (from the billionaire, of course) to see that this insane idea gets off the ground.

I compliment Mr. Gianforte for his success in the business world, but I strongly resent his power play to buy the Montana Governor's Office to carry out his wide-ranging and insane ideas. 

Go back to the business world, Greg Gianforte, and leave politics to those who would actually work for Montanans.  Your ideas of tax breaks and other incentives to business gurus like yourself are not on our wish list for 2016.  We know you can find jobs for high-tech workers in your field of expertise, but you know nothing about what the other 90% of Montanans want and need.

Explain yourself, sir.  What are you afraid we'll find out?



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