Saturday, December 31, 2016

There is a Time to Fish, and a Time to Cut Bait...

   I have tried, folks...I really have tried.  I have walked up close to my big-screen television and looked him in the eye.  I have turned up the sound so I wouldn't miss what he was saying.  I watched the look on the faces of those people standing near him.  I have done my level best to search for some redeeming value in this man.  (I know most of you have done the same.)   

   But the truth must be told.  He is a businessman huckster.  He is a charlatan, a fake, a fraud, a phony, a pretender...a quack!

   And one thing he definitely isn't:  Fit to be President of the United States of America!

   He speaks with the wisdom of a high school dropout.  His command of the English language is ranked somewhere in the ninth or tenth-grade level.   He is brash, arrogant, and rude.  When called out on his incredulous remarks, he (and his handlers) beam with pride that he is "doing things his way."  It's a lame cover-up for his inability to properly function as leader of the free world.

   Therefore, if you believe as I do that the process can begin by one person lighting one candle...then consider my candle burning like a blowtorch.  This man will never reach the level of knowledge and ability to fulfill the duties that are required of this job.  A terrible injustice was committed on November 8, 2016.  He and his entourage will continue to make a stupendous mockery of this country and an embarrassment to all of our friends abroad.

   He can make the choice to leave on his own or face the fact that Congress will eventually have to impeach him.

   But one thing is clear:  He must go...and he must go soon.



Tuesday, December 27, 2016

By Our Missteps We'll Be Judged...

   This is the opinion of one disgusted man who needs to get something off his chest, out of his heart, and away from the uninformed followers of one Donald Trump, President-Elect and all-around bad guy.
   How many lashes of the whip must we self-administer before we can say this ugly deed is over and we must now live with the failures made by our own hands at the ballot box?  
   How much harm can he do as president?  Can't we be secure in the knowledge that Congress will keep a tight rein on this often-reported pathological liar?
   I don't need to hear you tell me that it is too late to put the "bad genie back in the bottle."  I have always believed that there is an "out" to any problem created in America,  and I also assumed that the "out" would come from our illustrious, albeit ill-tempered, congressional horde. 
   (Still, Congress is yet another disastrous problem that we must keep for another time.)
   I plan, however, to keep hope bubbling, down to the bottom of my very toes.  We have been mostly successful in our country's advancement for 240 years.  We have made friends wherever we could and made wars when necessary. (sometimes, even when unnecessary.)  We Americans - for the most part -  have a good heart, and that's saying a lot considering this world we live in today. Until November 9, 2016, most of the world looked up to us, too. 
   Simply put, we will undoubtedly muddle through this catastrophe and try to do it right in four year.
   Or, we will give this guy enough rope to hang himself. 
   Life is always full of little choices, isn't it?

Monday, December 26, 2016

When You Hand Out Billions...A Simple "Thanks" Would Be Nice.

Whereas..."Benjie" Netanyahu is such a scallywag.

Whereas...President Obama has signed bills to give Israel more money (billions and billions) than any previous administration to date.  High-ranking members in Israel have stated that during the Obama time in office, it has brought the American-Israeli partnership as close as at any other time.

Whereas...It is reported that Mr. Netanyahu can only count about 25% of his citizens actually in agreement with him on how he is handling the "war" with his Palestinian neighbor.  Seventy-five percent would like "Benjie" to begin new and more constructive negotiations.

Whereas...We all remember how "Benjie" was invited and hustled into America's House of  Republican Representatives for a temper tantrum talk,  begging them to kill the Iran Deal of President Obama.  (It has been unbelievable how those knot-heads placed everything and everybody ahead of their own president - time and time again!)  They succeeded in rubbing our president's nose in the stink as "Benjie" was given a GOP pass to snub Obama.  (Gee...why was there bad blood between "Benjie" and Barack?  Probably for the same reason there was bad blood between the House GOP and Barack.)

Still, America has always been - and always will be - Israel's biggest supporter.  Our pledge to protect Israel is on our signed papers, on our minds, and in our blood!

"Benjie"...not so much!

How Wrong Did The Right Get It?.

Once upon a midnight weary, while I ponder, weak and weary...while I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. "'tis some (unwelcomed) visitor,"  I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door.  Only this and nothing more."

   My mind turned to this poem, The Raven, by Edgar Allen Poe on November 9, 2016.  I imagine a similar thought was felt by millions of Americans, as well as millions in foreign lands.

   A shiver ran up my spine when I heard the unbelievable.  Donald Trump's win was like a "visitor" (albeit an unwelcomed one) rapping, rapping at my chamber door.  It left me muttering, "tapping, tapping, all is done!  Is he really to be the one?"

   It has become a very bad nightmare - not because my candidate didn't win (other candidates of mine haven't won and it didn't give me this degree of heebie-jeebies) but because it was this one who won!

   And, it doesn't give me any warm and fuzzy answers when the Right tells us we are being poor losers.  No...we are all going to be "poor losers!"  I am hearing from many folks who voted for Trump and are already going through the pain of "buyers remorse."   
   What are we really in for?  Well, we will see vital programs that have given small victories to the Middle and Lower Class disappear into the Right's trash bin of humanity. 

   And, everything that big business has cried for since George W. Bush left office will be given back to spades!  Bush was a piker compared to Trump.  The President-Elect has long been seen as a flim-flam cheat, according to the other mega-rich "businessmen" that tolerated him in their circles. As a businessman (his only qualifications for president) he was known as a guy who would do anything to feather his own nest - including bordering on the criminal.  He needed a constant horde of attorneys nearby to keep him out of jail.  The nation's cry for him to turn over his tax returns is now the least of our concerns.  (For interesting reading, research the words of Mayor Bloomberg, who knows Trump well.) 

   That will give us a very clear picture of where we're headed, and by that I mean back to the very brink of financial collapse during the last days of the "Glory Days of Good Ol' Dubya Bush."  Ultra-rich good ol' boys will now be sitting at the president's round table and they will be handed the keys to the country's vault and all departments they wish to ransack.  It appears that each candidate was specifically recruited for an office  they were well-publicized to hate - and swore to eliminate.

   Isn't this going to be fun?



Thursday, December 22, 2016

A Bold-Faced Opinion, Based On Facts...

   In case anyone gets the idea that I am still angered by the recent election, let me put this thought to bed.  I fully realize that both parties have successfully elected our nation's presidents, and I have always accepted the outcomes.
   What has me still fightin' mad from this election is WHO has been elected.  And I don't mean a REPUBLICAN "WHO"...I mean an unqualified, unfit, unprincipled, and untruthful "WHO!" 
   It appears our national media is walking around the Donald Trump world with too much caution and too little hard news.
   The American People deserve to know some truths about the Trump Administration's plans from a domestic - as well as an international - point.  I don't mind telling everyone that I am in a frightened, agitated, and confused state of mind.
   The Conservative Right in this country can only salivate and see beyond the possibility that Trump might be able to appoint two or three like-minded twits to live out their days on the U.S. Supreme Court.
   They also get a big chuckle out of Trump's trumped-up Cabinet of home wreckers.  A Head of Education who hates public Schools.  A Head of the EPA who hates those who believe in global changing, etc.  Each cabinet position was filled by someone who doesn't give a damn about this nation's financial crisis, water and air pollution, veterans welfare...and on and on.  And no one believes this travesty of justice was accidental, either.
   While Trump and his troublesome twits - who seem to have sprung from a pool of billionaires, bigots, and bamboozlers - are at the starting blocks and ready to speed our country into obliteration, they have also given a dire picture of what is in store for our allies.
   I will foist my opinions in your direction in the days and months to come...unless, of course, Trump decides he is way in over his head and looks for a quick and face-saving maneuver to  "get outta' Dodge."
   Stay tuned, my friends.