Monday, December 26, 2016

How Wrong Did The Right Get It?.

Once upon a midnight weary, while I ponder, weak and weary...while I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. "'tis some (unwelcomed) visitor,"  I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door.  Only this and nothing more."

   My mind turned to this poem, The Raven, by Edgar Allen Poe on November 9, 2016.  I imagine a similar thought was felt by millions of Americans, as well as millions in foreign lands.

   A shiver ran up my spine when I heard the unbelievable.  Donald Trump's win was like a "visitor" (albeit an unwelcomed one) rapping, rapping at my chamber door.  It left me muttering, "tapping, tapping, all is done!  Is he really to be the one?"

   It has become a very bad nightmare - not because my candidate didn't win (other candidates of mine haven't won and it didn't give me this degree of heebie-jeebies) but because it was this one who won!

   And, it doesn't give me any warm and fuzzy answers when the Right tells us we are being poor losers.  No...we are all going to be "poor losers!"  I am hearing from many folks who voted for Trump and are already going through the pain of "buyers remorse."   
   What are we really in for?  Well, we will see vital programs that have given small victories to the Middle and Lower Class disappear into the Right's trash bin of humanity. 

   And, everything that big business has cried for since George W. Bush left office will be given back to spades!  Bush was a piker compared to Trump.  The President-Elect has long been seen as a flim-flam cheat, according to the other mega-rich "businessmen" that tolerated him in their circles. As a businessman (his only qualifications for president) he was known as a guy who would do anything to feather his own nest - including bordering on the criminal.  He needed a constant horde of attorneys nearby to keep him out of jail.  The nation's cry for him to turn over his tax returns is now the least of our concerns.  (For interesting reading, research the words of Mayor Bloomberg, who knows Trump well.) 

   That will give us a very clear picture of where we're headed, and by that I mean back to the very brink of financial collapse during the last days of the "Glory Days of Good Ol' Dubya Bush."  Ultra-rich good ol' boys will now be sitting at the president's round table and they will be handed the keys to the country's vault and all departments they wish to ransack.  It appears that each candidate was specifically recruited for an office  they were well-publicized to hate - and swore to eliminate.

   Isn't this going to be fun?



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