When You Hand Out Billions...A Simple "Thanks" Would Be Nice.

Whereas..."Benjie" Netanyahu is such a scallywag.

Whereas...President Obama has signed bills to give Israel more money (billions and billions) than any previous administration to date.  High-ranking members in Israel have stated that during the Obama time in office, it has brought the American-Israeli partnership as close as at any other time.

Whereas...It is reported that Mr. Netanyahu can only count about 25% of his citizens actually in agreement with him on how he is handling the "war" with his Palestinian neighbor.  Seventy-five percent would like "Benjie" to begin new and more constructive negotiations.

Whereas...We all remember how "Benjie" was invited and hustled into America's House of  Republican Representatives for a temper tantrum talk,  begging them to kill the Iran Deal of President Obama.  (It has been unbelievable how those knot-heads placed everything and everybody ahead of their own president - time and time again!)  They succeeded in rubbing our president's nose in the stink as "Benjie" was given a GOP pass to snub Obama.  (Gee...why was there bad blood between "Benjie" and Barack?  Probably for the same reason there was bad blood between the House GOP and Barack.)

Still, America has always been - and always will be - Israel's biggest supporter.  Our pledge to protect Israel is on our signed papers, on our minds, and in our blood!

"Benjie"...not so much!


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