A Bold-Faced Opinion, Based On Facts...

   In case anyone gets the idea that I am still angered by the recent election, let me put this thought to bed.  I fully realize that both parties have successfully elected our nation's presidents, and I have always accepted the outcomes.
   What has me still fightin' mad from this election is WHO has been elected.  And I don't mean a REPUBLICAN "WHO"...I mean an unqualified, unfit, unprincipled, and untruthful "WHO!" 
   It appears our national media is walking around the Donald Trump world with too much caution and too little hard news.
   The American People deserve to know some truths about the Trump Administration's plans from a domestic - as well as an international - point.  I don't mind telling everyone that I am in a frightened, agitated, and confused state of mind.
   The Conservative Right in this country can only salivate and see beyond the possibility that Trump might be able to appoint two or three like-minded twits to live out their days on the U.S. Supreme Court.
   They also get a big chuckle out of Trump's trumped-up Cabinet of home wreckers.  A Head of Education who hates public Schools.  A Head of the EPA who hates those who believe in global changing, etc.  Each cabinet position was filled by someone who doesn't give a damn about this nation's financial crisis, water and air pollution, veterans welfare...and on and on.  And no one believes this travesty of justice was accidental, either.
   While Trump and his troublesome twits - who seem to have sprung from a pool of billionaires, bigots, and bamboozlers - are at the starting blocks and ready to speed our country into obliteration, they have also given a dire picture of what is in store for our allies.
   I will foist my opinions in your direction in the days and months to come...unless, of course, Trump decides he is way in over his head and looks for a quick and face-saving maneuver to  "get outta' Dodge."
   Stay tuned, my friends.    


  1. Can't make the problem smaller but you can certainly make yourself bigger than the problem. Good stuff.


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