There is a Time to Fish, and a Time to Cut Bait...

   I have tried, folks...I really have tried.  I have walked up close to my big-screen television and looked him in the eye.  I have turned up the sound so I wouldn't miss what he was saying.  I watched the look on the faces of those people standing near him.  I have done my level best to search for some redeeming value in this man.  (I know most of you have done the same.)   

   But the truth must be told.  He is a businessman huckster.  He is a charlatan, a fake, a fraud, a phony, a pretender...a quack!

   And one thing he definitely isn't:  Fit to be President of the United States of America!

   He speaks with the wisdom of a high school dropout.  His command of the English language is ranked somewhere in the ninth or tenth-grade level.   He is brash, arrogant, and rude.  When called out on his incredulous remarks, he (and his handlers) beam with pride that he is "doing things his way."  It's a lame cover-up for his inability to properly function as leader of the free world.

   Therefore, if you believe as I do that the process can begin by one person lighting one candle...then consider my candle burning like a blowtorch.  This man will never reach the level of knowledge and ability to fulfill the duties that are required of this job.  A terrible injustice was committed on November 8, 2016.  He and his entourage will continue to make a stupendous mockery of this country and an embarrassment to all of our friends abroad.

   He can make the choice to leave on his own or face the fact that Congress will eventually have to impeach him.

   But one thing is clear:  He must go...and he must go soon.




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