By Our Missteps We'll Be Judged...

   This is the opinion of one disgusted man who needs to get something off his chest, out of his heart, and away from the uninformed followers of one Donald Trump, President-Elect and all-around bad guy.
   How many lashes of the whip must we self-administer before we can say this ugly deed is over and we must now live with the failures made by our own hands at the ballot box?  
   How much harm can he do as president?  Can't we be secure in the knowledge that Congress will keep a tight rein on this often-reported pathological liar?
   I don't need to hear you tell me that it is too late to put the "bad genie back in the bottle."  I have always believed that there is an "out" to any problem created in America,  and I also assumed that the "out" would come from our illustrious, albeit ill-tempered, congressional horde. 
   (Still, Congress is yet another disastrous problem that we must keep for another time.)
   I plan, however, to keep hope bubbling, down to the bottom of my very toes.  We have been mostly successful in our country's advancement for 240 years.  We have made friends wherever we could and made wars when necessary. (sometimes, even when unnecessary.)  We Americans - for the most part -  have a good heart, and that's saying a lot considering this world we live in today. Until November 9, 2016, most of the world looked up to us, too. 
   Simply put, we will undoubtedly muddle through this catastrophe and try to do it right in four year.
   Or, we will give this guy enough rope to hang himself. 
   Life is always full of little choices, isn't it?


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