The Final Contingency

   Has anyone heard this before:   "We will correct this and learn from it.  We will make sure it never happens again."
   Yeah.  I think I've heard it a few hundred times, too.  The worst part of it is the sad fact that it happens over and over involving the same ugly misdeed.  That should tell us that the promises of "making sure it never happens again" are as bogus as the next politician's promise.
   Political mischief that spurs these repetitive missteps is the bane of American Politics and the downfall of many of America's self-described "leaders."

   I like to think that there was a time when we went to the polls and elected people who knew what was good for our citizens and our country.  Sure, there have always been political differences of opinion, but we usually found a way to come together and make it work.

   The despicable state of our political scene can be attributed to one thing:  Polarization of the Political Parties.  If the devil, himself, appeared on the ballot of either of our major political parties, he would certainly acquire at least 90% of the votes.  His warts, lies, and sinful ways would do little-to-no harm to the ticket.  It is simply the answer to the age-old adage:  "He may be the devil, but he's our devil."

   There is a solution to all of this, but many of us would cringe at the extent to which America would have to go to find a way out of this swampy wilderness.  While many would shriek in horror, most of us - after fully understanding the consequences - would roll up our sleeves and get to work.

   The solution?  Implement the final contingency.

   And if you want to know more about that, you'll have to wait to read my book, "The Final Contingency."  It is now underway and keeping  me awake at nights.  (My jabbering time on Facebook is in jeopardy, too.)

   Don't worry...I write fast.  Faster than the wheels of political justice, even.





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