It's YOUR Rights They Want To Plunder...

Conservatives don't give a rip about your rights

   There comes a time when you just have to call a spade a gawd-damn shovel...and that time is now.

   It is as obvious as the nose on everyone's face that our president is in the process of 'blowing up' all global alliances we have with our allies.  (It appears he is content to just chum around with our enemies.)  The UN, NATO, EU...all are wondering what the hell is going on in America.

   Domestically, we are in even bigger trouble.  The Conservatives are running amok with idiotic assaults on human rights while handing over truckloads of money to the country's ultra-rich. They have plans in place to drastically cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.   They are challenging our immigration laws to fit their racist and bigoted views of what they want America to become...even to the point of building a gigantic twenty-five billion dollar wall across our southern border.  Ridiculous!

   Perhaps the most dangerous move underway is how the U.S. Supreme Court is becoming stacked with ultra-Conservative thinkers.  Roe v. Wade, Women's Rights, Gay Rights, Workers' Rights, Suppression of Voters' Rights, and Mega-Money in our Elections are laws that are all being targeted. 

   But who am I most angry with?  The voters who sat on their butts in 2016 and let this all happen.  A number that should be ingrained into everyone's brain is 44.37%.  That's the number of registered voters who did not vote in the last election.  That's the group who could have saved us all from the onslaught of Donald J. Trump and his horde of liars and slash-and-burn Cabinet thugs . 

   Civil Rights, as we know them, are on the chopping block by the end of 2018.  The Supreme Court will be but an extension of the Conservative Party, with decisions handed down based on political reasoning instead of the laws upon which our country was founded.

   The only thing we can do within the law is to get to the ballot boxes and change our legislative and executive directions.  We only need two or three changes in the U.S. Senate to get control.  A majority in the U.S. House is harder, but definitely possible.  And, if we can't impeach the president, we will need to wait it out until 2020. 

   All of this is possible if we can just find a way to get all registered voters to VOTE!  Other countries can get seventy, eighty, and even ninety percent of their citizens to vote. 

   So, why do Americans want to stay home and then 'curse the darkness' for four years? 

   They just don't seem to care...until it's too late.  Well, I'm here at my keyboard telling you... now is too late, but we can fix it...if everyone votes!




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