The Bawdry Bozone...

Listen my children and you shall hear,
the pitiful sounds that we all fear.
The names of Sales and "Dollar Signs" Daines,
and Greg "The Thug", Oh Lord, the pains.
    Bozeman is a beautiful town nestled in the mountains of Montana where once-proud folks gathered to take in the splendor of all they possess.  The Montana State University, dining places to behold, excellent accommodations for the weary travelers, and some of the state's best fishing and skiing sites.
   The political scene was once something to behold, too.  The recent past political scene, however, ...not so much.
   So what have the town fathers been dumping into the city water supply?  They have spawned such slippery creatures as Steve Daines (U.S. Senate and Former U.S. House), Greg Gianforte (U.S. House) Body-slammer of pesky question-asking news people, Scott Sales (State Senate President) who is trying to give $8 million of our tax money to the southern border "wall/barrier", and various lesser right-wing creatures, as well.
   I find it strange that this clump of like-minded nincompoops all hail from one pristine area.
   So, to find the answer,  I beat a path to this town known by some as the "Bozone."  I parked on the main street and saw happy, busy people scurrying along the sidewalks as if not a care in the world.  Didn't they know their political world was falling down around their ears?
   I grabbed my pen, note pad, and strong will and stepped out of the car, ready to get my first interview. 
   Me:  "Excuse me, ma'am, but could I ask you a question or two?"
   Ma'am:  "Get the hell out of my way, liberal"...and now I am looking up at the sky as I lay body-slammed to the curb.
   Well, maybe this was just a one-time thing.  And I got up and headed to the next interview.
   Me:  "Excuse me, sir, but could I...."  And now I am looking up, once again, at that beautiful blue sky.
   But there is someone coming down the walk who looks familiar.  This is going to go much better.
   Me:  "Excuse me, sir, but..."  And there's that same damn shitty-colored sky, again!
   But, all was not lost.  I think I finally have this mystery about Bozone all figured out.  They have an over-abundance of terrible politicians, that is very true.  But, because of that,  they also have a real boat load of terrible voters, too!
   On my way out of town, I stopped to pick up the hometown newspaper.  I found an ad across the bottom of the front page that read: 'For Sale - A boat load of Right-Wing, Conservative, Trump-Lovin', maniacs FOR SALE...CHEAP!  Bring your own handcuffs and leg irons...some are dangerous!' 
   And some are even politicians!


  1. name calling intensifies the divisions. I am surprised you found 2 conservatives in Bozeman. Oh, and it was the alfalfa fields, cattle and sheep peacefully grazing, cowboy bars and friendliness that once made Bozeman beautiful.


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