As they sink slowly into the tar pits...

   What is happening to the Grand Old Party?
   In a recent column by Conservative columnist George Will, he may have just hit on the answer everyone has been looking for, and it's one of those answers that has been hiding in plain sight and revealed only by an accidental slip of the tongue.
   Will quotes Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican Senator, who said, "building the border wall is an existential matter for the GOP.  If we undercut the president, that's the end of his presidency and the end of our party."
   Simple enough.
   Everyone in the country - including many Republicans - wonders why there is no push back by the Congressional GOP regarding the antics of the president.  And, antics is much too soft of a word for most of his bonehead blunders.
   Sen. Graham is further quoted by Will as saying, "I'm a Republican, and he (Trump) is not.  He's not a Conservative Republican, he's an opportunist."  Months earlier, Graham was quoted as saying, "Trump is unfit for office." 
   It's interesting - and a little sad -  to watch the "de-evolution" of the Republican Party. Prior to what the world will come to call the "Terrible Trump" years, the GOP was slowly losing followers as they increased demands on their brethren. Their love of the NRA forced candidates to toe the line or get failing grades.  Their overt rally slogans made it clear they would insist that no card-carrying member would accept "free choice" on abortions, rights for gay marriages, voter's rights of minorities, various welfare rights, and on and on. 
  As the country experienced a widening gap in wealth - and congressional bills that would benefit only the wealthy -  the  "ninety-eight percenters" suddenly became very vocal, which caused many to search for the tent that would take in all who sought aid and shelter. 
  Is the GOP doomed?  Will they survive the "Terrible Trump" years?  Only time will tell.  One thing is certain, however:  How the president will fair during the next two years should give the GOP a clear sign post. 
   Will he destroy the Party, or will the Party finally rise up on their hind legs and destroy him. 
   It can't be's an "either or" answer.
   America is hurting for a clear difference in the two parties.  Right now, we have the "vocal" Democrats, the "silent" Republicans, and the "irresponsible" Trump Party.
   Who's your choice?



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