No One Is Above the Law...

Political Cartoon by John Cole
   We have heard, seen, and read - to a sickening degree -  all of the ugly things that have come out of the mouth of our president.   And, we have also heard and read - ad nauseam - from television and newspaper folks as they re-run the ugliness over and over.
   There is little filth and nastiness that is left for the man to say that could further convince or enlighten even the weakest of his supporters to move away from him.
   We are like a nation adrift on a sea of troubled water and the denizens of the deep are circling beneath and around us.  We have built our nation on the concept that we are strong enough to handle any problem that confronts us.  And yet, we find ourselves embroiled in a dilemma of partially our own choosing that appears to have no solution.

   We have found ourselves adrift with a captain who is uneducated, immoral, arrogant and obnoxious, a pathological liar, and totally unfit to be President of the United States.

   Rather than keep chewing and regurgitating the same flaws of this man, we should be looking for the closest shore and begin paddling like hell!

   We need to convince his followers of their blind allegiance and their unwillingness to perceive the terrible course they are setting for our nation.  And, we will never reach a safe harbor if we let them continue to chart our path through these treacherous and sometimes-treasonous waters.

   These things are what our media should be focusing on with earnest.  Television and newspaper outlets across the country should be flooding the land with fact-checked truths about this administration's diabolical ideas of ruling the once-greatest country on the face of the earth.  We can't allow anyone to stand and say that truth doesn't matter anymore.  We can't allow anyone to stand and say law and order doesn't matter anymore. 

   And we can't allow anyone to stand and say they are above the law!



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