Modern-Day Caligula...

Roman Emperor Caligula
Known as "The Mad Emperor"
Great-Great Grandson of Julius Caesar
Born: Aug. 31, 12
Killed:  Jan. 24, 41
Reigned for 1,400 Days of Terror
   That's about four years of insane terror and destruction of the Roman Empire.  He was assassinated by the swords of many who opposed his ruthless ways as Emperor.

   Caligula's nearly four years of believing he was all-omnipotent and above any Roman Law had set the people on edge and deeply divided as they considered what course to take.  The majority wanted to return Rome to the "good old days," and they ultimately saw the only way to do that was to turn Caligula into a pin cushion.

    The Roman Senate was also in agreement, but they wanted to be the ones who would guide Rome back to those glory days.  However, they moved too slowly and the assassins took control.

   On January 20, 2017, nearly to-the-day Caligula lost his reign, another  "ruler" came into power with the same wrong-headed self-assurance, an all-omnipotent flair, and with another I-am-above-the-law brashness.  His name was Trump, Self-Proclaimed Emperor of America.
   Emperor Trump created a great stir among the people.  He used cruelty as his weapon and his bigotry, racism, and pathological lying were all the tools he needed to divide the people of America.

   The Trump years have exerted a tremendous strain on America, and caused a division that hasn't been seen since the great Civil War.  With the ugly chants of his minions, he offered a huge dose of White Supremacy to the dinner table of America and hate became the order of the day.  And like Caligula, Trump's appetite for more and more hate toward anyone who disagreed with him crept across the land. 

   There have, of course, been other maniacal monsters around the globe who rose to destructive power.  They were beaten down, but not before committing tremendous injuries and death.  Are we to suffer a similar fate?

   In many ways, Caligula and Trump were cut from the same cloth.  But, through the false interpretation and corrupt manipulation of today's media that Caligula could have only dreamt of, Trump can reach even higher levels of man's inhumanity to man. 

   And, yes...Caligula had funny hair, too. 


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